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  • 5. Daugavpils Zinātnes festivāls. E-ceļojums pa Ziemeļvalstu bibliotēkām

    Aktualizēts 14.05.2012 17:58

    5. Daugavpils Zinātnes festivāla ietvaros DU Bibliotēka piedāvā iespēju iepazīties ar Ziemeļvalstu nacionālo un akadēmisko bibliotēku krājumiem, elektroniskajiem resursiem un pakalpojumiem. Šo valstu nacionālo un akadēmisko bibliotēku krājumos ir plaši pieejami izdevumi par savu valsti, tās vēsturi, kultūru un zinātni. Plaši pieejami ir arī izdevumi visās zinātņu nozarēs. Informācija par E-ceļojumu pa Ziemeļvalstu bibliotēkām ir pieejama Bibliotēkas lasītavās, kā arī visā DU datortīklā. Visi interesenti tiek aicināti iepazīties ar bibliotēkām un, atrodot sev nepieciešamo informāciju, pasūtīt to ar Starptautiskā starpbibliotēku abonementa starpniecību.


    1. The Royal Library http://www.kb.dk/en/
    2. National Library of Education, Denmark (Danish School of Education. Aarhus University) http://www.dpb.dpu.dk/site.aspx?p=1080
    3. Library of the Aalborg University http://www.en.aub.aau.dk/
    4. School of Conservation. The Library (Knowledge Centre for Conservation Science) http://www.kons.dk/dk/site.aspx?p=471
    5. Copenhagen University Library and Information Service http://culis.ku.dk/
    6. Library of the Roskilde University http://rub.ruc.dk/
    7. Library of the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Art. School of Architecture. http://www.kasb.dk/uk
    8. University of the Southem Denmark http://www.sdu.dk/Bibliotek
    9. Library of the Technical University of Denmark http://www.dtic.dtu.dk/English.aspx


    1. The National Library of Finland http://www.nationallibrary.fi/
    2. The National Repository Library of Finland http://www.varastokirjasto.fi/lang_en/
    3. Library of the Abo Academy University http://www.abo.fi/public/bibliotek
    4. Library of the Aalto University School of Economics http://www.hse.fi/EN/services/library/
    5. Library of the University of Eastern Finland http://www.uef.fi/kirjasto/etusivu
    6. Library of the Hanken School of Economics http://www.hanken.fi/library/en/
    7. Helsinki University Library http://www.helsinki.fi/library/
    8. Library of the Joensuu University http://www.joensuu.fi/library/english/
    9. Library of the Kuopio University http://www.uku.fi/kirjasto/english/
    10. Library of the Lappeenranta University of Technology http://www.lut.fi/en/library/Pages/Default.aspx
    11. Library of the Oulu University http://www.kirjasto.oulu.fi/index.php?id=509
    12. Library of the Oulu University of Applied Science http://www.oamk.fi/kirjasto/english/
    13. Library of the Sibelius Academy http://lib.siba.fi/en/home/
    14. Library of the Tampere University of Applied Science http://www.tamk.fi/library
    15. Library of the Tampere University of Technology http://www.tut.fi/library/dlib/
    16. Library of the Tampere University http://www.uta.fi/kirjasto/english/
    17. Library of the Turku University http://kirjasto.utu.fi/en/


    1. National and University Library of Iceland http://landsbokasafn.is/index.php/english
    2. Libraries of University Centre of the Westfjords http://www.hsvest.is/libraries/
    3. Library of the Uniwersity of Akureyri http://english.unak.is/library/
    4. Library of the Bifrost University http://www.bifrost.is/english/services/library/
    5. Library and Information Services of the Iceland Academy of the Art http://english.lhi.is/services/library-and-information-services/
    6. Library and Information Services at RU (University of Reykjavik) http://www.reykjavikuniversity.is/services/library-and-information-services/about-the-library/staff/
    7. Library of the School for Renewable Energy Science http://www.res.is/res/page/facilities-library


    1. National Library of Norway http://www.nb.no/english
    2. Library of the Bergen University http://www.uib.no/ub/en
    3. Library of the Oslo University http://www.uio.no/english/about/organisation/#vrtx-main-content-4
    4. Library of the Stavanger University http://www.uis.no/about_us/university_library/
    5. Library of the Tromø University http://www2.uit.no/www/inenglish
    6. Library of the Vestfold University College http://www.hive.no/library/
    7. Library of the Norwegian University of Life Sciences http://www.umb.no/library/article/welcome-to-the-university-library
    8. Library of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology http://www.ntnu.edu/ub


    1. Library of the Bleking institute of Technology http://www.bth.se/eng/library/
    2. Library of the University of Boras http://www.hb.se
    3. Library of the Chakmers University of Technology http://www.chalmers.se/en/sections/collaboration/library
    4. Library of the Gavle University http://www.hig.se/Verktyg-i-hoger/In-English/Library.html
    5. Library of the Gothenburg University http://www.ub.gu.se/
    6. Library of the Halmstad University http://www.hh.se/english/library.243_en.html
    7. Library of the Jonkoping International Business School http://search.hj.se/index.php?ln=en&searchwords=Library&submit.x=20&submit.y=9
    8. Library of the Jonkoping University http://www.bibl.hj.se/eng/
    9. Library of the Kalstad University http://www.kau.se/en/library
    10. Library of the Karolinska Institute http://kib.ki.se/en
    11. Library of the Kristianstad University http://www.hkr.se/default____925.aspx
    12. Library of KTH Royal Institute of Technology http://www.lib.kth.se/main/eng/
    13. Library of the Linkoping University http://www.bibl.liu.se/?l=en
    14. Library of the Lulea http://www.ltu.se/lib?l=en
    15. Library of the Lund Institute of Technology http://www.lth.se/bibliotek/
    16. Libraries of the Lund University http://www.lub.lu.se/en.html
    17. Library of the Malardalen University http://www.mdh.se/library
    18. Library of the Malmo University http://www.mah.se/english/Library/
    19. Library of the Mid Sweden University http://www.bib.miun.se/eng/
    20. Library of the University of Skovde http://www.his.se/english/
    21. Library of the Stockholm University http://www.sub.su.se/startasok.aspx
    22. Library of the Stockholm School of Ecomics http://www.hhs.se/Library/Pages/default.aspx
    23. Library of the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences http://www.slu.se/en/library/
    24. Library of the Umea University http://www.ub.umu.se/en
    25. Library of the Uppsala University http://www.ub.uu.se/en/
    26. Library of the University West http://www.bibliotek.hv.se/extra/pod/?module_instance=4

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