13th International JTEFS/BBCC Conference “Sustainable Development. Culture. Education: Interplay of Traditions and Innovations in Education for Sustainable Development”

Aktualizēts 09.04.2015 12:21

13th International JTEFS/BBCC Conference
Sustainable Development. Culture. Education:
 Interplay of Traditions and Innovations in Education for Sustainable Development
May 5-6, 2015, Riga, Latvia

The Baltic and Black Sea Circle Consortium in Education Research (BBCC) invites professional educators who have an interest in development of Sustainable Education  and research on Education for Sustainable Development  (ESD) and who care about fostering reorientation of education toward the aim of sustainable development to participate in the 13th International JTEFS/BBCC Conference Sustainable Development. Culture. Education.
In year 2015 BBCC celebrates the 10th anniversary, since it was established at the Third International Conference Sustainable Development. Culture. Education organized at the University of Vechta, Germany, 2005.


The conference will start on May 5, 2015 at 18.00 – registration, informal conference opening related with 10th anniversary of BBCC network. May 5 – 6, 2015 – conference sessions in Riga Technical University and May 8, 2015 – conference sessions and conference closing ceremony in Latvia University of Agriculture (Jelgava).

For more information or to register for the conference, please visit the conference website at http://ise.du.ces.lv/en

In 2015, the organisation of the 13th Conference will be the responsibility and privilege of Daugavpils University, Riga Technical University and Latvia University of Agriculture. These universities will work in close cooperation with University of Vechta, Tallinn University, Siauliai University, and Latvia University of Agriculture.

In the course of twelve years since its establishment, this conference has grown into a leading scientific forum where researchers and practitioners caring for the sustainability in education and global sustainable development can share their visions of current trends, challenges and future prospects in the complex field of research and practice of sustainability-oriented education. In addition, the conference has become a springboard for joint international research projects and other collaborative initiatives among BBCC members. Renewed for its unique spirit of the academic integrity and excellence, collegial respect and appreciation, this landmark scientific event annually attracts over a hundred participants who are both experienced experts and novices to researching sustainability oriented education.

We invite all those who feel ready to contribute to BBCC network’s international scholarly efforts targeted at exploring current educational practices and their orientation to sustainability to attend the 13th JTEFS/BBCC conference Sustainable Development. Culture. Education: Interplay of Traditions and Innovations in Education for Sustainable Development.

Proposed conference sections:
* Sections will be announced in January 2015 after the analysis of proposals from registered participants. We recommend to submit proposals which comply with conference general topic Sustainable Development. Culture. Education: Interplay of Traditions and Innovations for Education for Sustainable Development. The content analysis of the themes of your proposals will allow to determine names of the several sections for the conference.

Mode of participation:
Following modes of participation are suggested for the Conference participants:
Presentations at the plenary session are given by Keynote speakers, who will be invited by the Scientific Committee of the Conference and who are recognized specialists in the area.
Paper presentations will be allocated 20 minutes and grouped into paper sessions. Dissemination of handouts will be highly appreciated. Each paper session will have a chair person.
Workshops can provide training in the area of research, methods, interventional programmes, etc. The length of the workshops will range between 90 and 120 minutes depending upon their scale and scope.
Posters are presentations of scientific work in a graphical form. Maximum size will be 90 cm width by 190 cm height. At the time of poster presentation, at least one of the authors must be present.
Invitational seminars can be organized by researcher or the team of researchers who are interested in inviting partners for collaborative, cross-cultural, action research (or other type of research and design). The length of such seminar would be one hour during which the researcher would present the research idea, involve the seminar participants in discussion about the further steps of research and obtain preliminary agreement from the international audience of researchers for the participation in the future research.

Important dates:
February 28th 2015 – final date for submission of abstracts
February 28th 2015 – paper submission deadline for conference participants

Registration fee:
Early bird registration (before April 1st  2015)
Regular participants: 100 EUR
Doctoral students: 60 EUR
Late registration (after April 1st 2015)
Regular participants: 140 EUR
Doctoral students: 80 EUR
Registration fee includes: admission to the conference, conference documentation, opening ceremony and welcome reception as well as coffee breaks and lunches during all conference days.

*) The language of the conference will be English.


The conference is supported by ERDF “Support to International Cooperation Projects in Research and Technologies at Daugavpils University” Agreement No. 2015/0010/2DP/

More information:
Dzintra Iliško
E-mail: dzintra.ilisko[at]du.ces.lv
Phone: +371 29378690

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