Daugavpils University Participates in European Project on Higher Education for Sustainable Development

Aktualizēts 07.10.2014 12:33

Dzintra Ilisko has represented the Institute of Sustainable Education of Daugavpils University in project “University Educators for Sustainable Development” (UE4SD) in Prague from October 1st – 3rd, 2014.

Institute of Sustainable Education of DU is a member The COPERNICUS Alliance, which is the European Network on Higher Education for Sustainable Development. The project has been activated since October 1st, 2014 with altogether 55 members. The project is managed by a leading group, which includes University of Gloucestershire (Great Britain), Leuphana University (Germany), Charles University (Czech Republic) and Autonomous University of Madrid (Spain).

UE4SD is the partnership of 55 universities and 34 countries, the main goal of which is to promote the role of Sustainable Development in European Higher Education to improve education and research for sustainability in partnership with society.
Higher education institutions have a prominent role within the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (DESD, 2005-14) as they prepare the future generation of professionals, challenge dominant paradigms and produce ground-breaking research. The fact that UE4SD is a big network makes projects’ coordination and communication easier and gives an opportunity to regard all regional contexts and peculiarities. The network is divided into four regional centres (in Northern, Southern, Western and Eastern Europe) that consist of 8 – 20 partners leaded by a regional coordinator. Daugavpils University is one of them. The main idea of the project is improving the higher education for sustainable development.

The main aim of the project (No. 540051-LLP-1-2013-1-UK-ERASMUS-ENW) is to stimulate the development of academic staff. ESD actualizes the necessity for teachers to review and modernize their study programmes and courses in order to make them more innovative.  UE4SD’s purpose is to provide support to European universities in the direction towards sustainable education as well as to improve the quality of studies.

More information:
Dzintra Iliško
DU Institute of Sustainable Education
T.: +371  65427411
E-mail: dzintra.illisko@du.ces.lv

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