Students of DU Master Programme „Education” Participated in Eco Activity

Aktualizēts 09.12.2014 12:48

12133-13393-nOn Saturday, November 22, 2014, the 1st  year Master’s study programm„ Education” students of Daugavpils University, Faculty of Education and Management  together with the children from Daugavpils schools took part in one of the eco-activities of cleaning one of the water pools in the  Daugavpils city center by the use of eco technologies.

EMtechnologies describe effective microorganisms, and are an all-natural blend of beneficial micro- organisms that do the work of cleansing and revitalization. This is an incredible new technology that naturally cleans the environment without any negative side-effects. That’s because it’s the same technology that nature has been using for billions of years.This discovery allows nature’s little recyclers to restore the health and balance of the ecosystems, without the negative side-effects so often found in synthetic chemicals and suppressive technologies. EM™ is a natural and probiotic technology developed, 28 years ago, in Japan, by Dr. Teruo Higa, who is the author of the famous book series “An EARTH Saving Revolution”.

12134-13394-nEM™ is made up of beneficial and highly efficient organisms. These microorganisms are not harmful, non- pathogenic, not genetically modified, nor chemically synthesized. Originally, it was developed as alternative for chemical fertilizers and pesticides, however, the use of EM technology™ in the last two decades, has expanded from agriculture to effluent and waste water treatments, control of foul odors, farms and animal health, human health and innumerable industrial treatments. At present, EM™ is used in more than 120 countries and there are over 54 manufacturers in the world. More than 30 research centers, across various countries, create and analyze new alternatives daily to increase and expand the range of this technology. In 1993, Dr. Higa discovered that the energetic information contained within the phototropic bacteria of EM·1 could be transferred to ceramics. This led to the idea that when mixed into the clay ingredients, then the ultrasonic benefits of the phototropic bacteria could indefinitely be incorporated into the ceramics. EM Ceramics have the unique ability to remove this pollution imprint from the memory of the water molecules through what is referred to as “far – infared signals”. By removing the pollution memory from the purified water, the molecules restructure back to the hexagonal microclusters.

This activity was a small contribution to joint planetary efforts to keep the  environement clean that surronds us and our town.

More Information:
Dzintra Iliško
E-mail: dzintra.ilisko[at]
Phone: +371 29378690

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