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  • Bryology Summer School team

    Aktualizēts 28.01.2020 02:30

    Faculty and Coordinator

    Dr. Anna Mežaka, a graduate of the University of Latvia, has been working in bryology for 15 years. Her research is focused on temperate and tropical bryophyte floristics, ecology and nature conservation. She has more than 10 years of experience teaching and supervising students in bryology and ecology in Latvia (University of Latvia, Rezekne Academy of Technologies) and abroad (Technological University of Panama, Saintpetersburg State University, Marburg University, Oregon State University). Anna Mežaka has led and participated in field trips in Europe, Central America and North America.



    Dr. Ligita Liepiņa, a graduate of the University of Latvia,  has been working in bryology for almost 30 years. Her research interest is bryophyte floristics and ecology. Her pedagogical experience of more than 20 years involves the implementation of a briology study course and a field course in bryophyte taxonomy and ecology at the University of Latvia. She has been supervising student thesis projects for more than 20 years. Ligita Liepiņa has experience in many projects on bryophyte bioindication and nature conservation in Latvia and she actively promotes Latvian and international study and research relationships during projects.



    Dr. Steffen Caspari, a graduate of the University of Saarland, has been working in bryology around 35 years. Steffen Caspari’s research interest is bryophyte floristics, ecology and nature conservation in various habitats in Germany. He currently works on bryological hotspots, species-area-curves with bryophytes and species richness of ordinary landscapes. Further key interests are red lists of threatened bryophytes on regional, national and continental levels. He has long-term experience supervising and teaching students from different cultural backgrounds.


    Guest lecturer

    Dr. Baiba Bambe, a graduate of Latvian Agriculture University and the University of Latvia, has been working in bryology more than 30 years. Her research interests in Latvian bryophyte flora, ecology and conservation are associated with forest and wetland botany, vegetation science and ecology. Her most recent study compiled a monography of bryophytes in Teiči Nature Reserve. Baiba Bambe is involved in several research and nature conservation projects in Latvia. She has  also gained experience in bryology in Central and Western Europe and Alaska.


    Guest lecturer

    MSc. Gita Strode, a graduate of the University of Latvia, has been working 14 years in nature conservation in Latvia. Among other obligations, she is responsible for the analyzing and making recommendations on nature conservation. Gita Strode regularly develops her skills through courses, seminars and training on biodiversity, nature management, ecology, animal welfare, communication, and other themes related to her professional experience in Latvia and abroad.



    MSc. Dana Krasnopoļska is an active and enthusiastic PhD student at Daugavpils University with interests in botany and floristics. She has experience managing several floristic and nature conservation projects and field trips in Latvia and abroad.

    Biežāk apmeklētās saites

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