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  • Svetlana Guseva

    Aktualizēts 23.11.2020 11:57

    Dr.psych, docent

    email: svetlana.guseva@du.ces.lv, tel.:+371 65428636

    Research interests

    Cognitive passivity in children; individual’s adaptation; pedagogical competence; pedagogical intervention; pedagogical process in higher education

    Svetlana Guseva’s researcher ID and profiles

    ORCID ID SCOPUS ID Web of Science ResearcherID Scientist’s profile
    http://orcid.org/0000-0001-7755-3066 54795017800 AAS-6269-2020 Publons: https://publons.com/researcher/3748573/svetlana-guseva/

    ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Svetlana_Guseva

    The Latvian Council of Science expert rights have been granted in the following scientific fields and branches:

    • “Social Science – Psychology” until 20.12.2020
    • “Social Science – Educational Sciences” until 17.06.2023

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