Akadēmiskās literatūras izdevniecība Ņujorkā “Nova Science Publishers” izdod Humanitāro un sociālo zinātņu institūta Ilgtspējīgas izglītības centra pētnieces Dr. paed. Astrīdas Skrindas sastādīto kolektīvo monogrāfiju
Aktualizēts 03.09.2020 10:27
Akadēmiskās literatūras izdevniecība Ņujorkā “Nova Science Publishers” izdod Humanitāro un sociālo zinātņu institūta Ilgtspējīgas izglītības centra pētnieces Dr. paed. Astrīdas Skrindas sastādīto kolektīvo monogrāfiju “Teaching English: Perspectives, Methods, and Challenges”. Izdevniecība “Nova Science Publishers” tiek ierindota līdzās tādām izcilām izdevniecībām kā “Oxford University Press”, “Cambridge University Press”, “Routledge” u.c. Detalizētāka informācija šeit: http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3197632
Zinātniskā monogrāfija “Teaching English: Perspectives, Methods, and Challenges” nāca klajā 2019. gada 21. novembrī, un tā ietver 176 lappuses. Tā ir veltīta angļu valodas kā svešvalodas mācīšanas aktualitātēm un izaicinājumiem pasaulē.
Tās recenzenti ir emeritētais profesors Stīvens Brauns (Steven Brown) no Jangstaunas Valsts universitātes (Youngstown State University) Amerikas Savienotajās Valstīs, profesors Horhe Kubilos (Jorge Cubillos) no Delavēras Universitātes (University of Delaware) Amerikas Savienotajās Valstīs, asociētais profesors Džonatans Ņūtons (Jonathan Newton) no Velingtonas Viktorijas universitātes (Victoria University of Wellington) Jaunzēlandē, asociētā profesore Lori Kodla Vesterna (Lori Caudle Western) no Karolīnas Universitātes (Carolina University) Amerikas Savienotajās Valstīs, asociētā profesore Džūlija Dekoninka (Julie Deconinck) no Briseles Brīvās universitātes (Vrije Universiteit Brussels) Beļģijā.
Tā ir pieejama izdevniecības “Nova Science Publishers” vietnē šeit: https://novapublishers.com/shop/teaching-english-perspectives-methods-and-challenges/#:~:text=Original%20peer%2Dreviewed%20contributions%20from,on%20teaching%20in%20international%20contexts
Tā ir pieejama tādu Rietumvalstu kā Lielbritānija, Beļģija, Zviedrija, Nīderlande, Austrālija, Apvienotie Arābu Emirāti akadēmiskās literatūras izdevniecību platformās. Tā ir pieejama arī Amazon vietnē tādās valstīs kā Vācija, Francija, Spānija, Itālija, Kanāda, Austrālija, Japāna, Meksika un Singapūra.
Zinātniskā monogrāfija “Teaching English: Perspectives, Methods, and Challenges” varēs būt noderīga teorētiķiem un praktiķiem, kurus interesē angļu valodas kā svešvalodas mācīšanas jautājumi.
Vienā no atsauksmēm par šo zinātnisko monogrāfiju lasāms:
“Teaching English: Perspectives, Methods and Challenges” presents a compendium of research-based practices in English language education by four authors who challenge several current practices from multiple viewpoints and offer innovations that are thoughtful and engaging.
The book begins with findings from a study on students who received Problem-Based Learning when learning English. The PBL participants exhibited higher scores in listening and problem solving skills, as well as greater confidence and lower anxiety than students who did not receive the instruction. Since PBL can be highly motivating to students, this method also has the potential to encourage students to think more deeply and to integrate language learning into other curriculum areas such as science and social studies.
English is often taught to young children, but are the best methods being used to teach them? The latest research will challenge thinking about how we currently teach and activities that are more engaging and closely aligned with the research of Vygotsky, Piaget, and other early childhood experts.
The book also explores the connection between culture and language and its impact on the disposition of the learners. Research indicates that students’ views about a culture can be a more powerful influence on students’ language proficiency than previously thought.
As a University instructor (and former K-12 teacher) in the United States, I was particularly intrigued by the final chapter of the book on mindful teaching. There is at present a great emphasis on this dimension of learning, but just how to apply the concepts of mindfulness when teaching students who are learning a second language is new territory. As the authors state, “Learning mindfully means to explore the knowledge actively and then create new meanings based on a reference of individual experiences.” Beginning with John Dewey, who advocated education as a “continuing reconstruction of experiences”, to David Kolb, who developed the four levels of Mindful Practices, a different philosophical approach to teaching a second or foreign language is offered which is well worth considering.
Two “take away” thoughts from the book are that “teaching is a precious job”, (and how easy it is to forget this) and that “. . . teaching is, at its best, a hope for a better future”. The content of the book certainly embodies these two quintessential concepts.
Papildu informācija:
Dr. paed. Astrīda Skrinda
E-pasts: astrida.skrinda@du.ces.lv