Africa meets Latvia: Experience from the Erasmus + programme

Aktualizēts 12.03.2018 11:47

From January 27th – March 7th, 2018  within the Erasmus+ Programme, Tsepo Mokuku from Lesotho National University, Africa, visited Daugavpils University as a  Staff Mobility professor. The lecturer from Africa conducted lectures within the ‘Leadership’ course for the master’s degree programme students. His presentation was focused on leadership in Tlokoeng project. The Tlokoeng presentation was followed by a presentation on Botho Philosophy and ESD as well main concept of  Nkhoana -Tharo theory was shared with students and other staff from Daugavpils  University. In all presentations the theory and practical cases seemed to fascinate the students.  Dr. Tsepo met various official of Daugavpils University. He visited the main University Administration building where he met officials of the International Office, Rectors Office, visited the publishing office, music department lecturers and the lecturers and researchers from Faculty of Education and Management, The Center of Sustainable Education, as well as from UNESCO chair’s office.

The guest lecturer from Africa experienced a rich cultural program that included a visit to  Aglona, the Aglona Catholic Church, Aglona Bakery Museum, World War II museum, and a  Latgale Zoo visit. Dr. Mosetse and Tsepo visited Mark Rothko Art Centre, where they saw the famous original works of art by Mark Rothko. His works were housed in a nineteenth century building, established in 1833, that was originally used for military purposes. They have learned few things about art as simulant of various emotions, and how the Rothko’s artwork took various forms that reflected the major periods of thought in Rothkos life. Dr. Tsepo described his experience in Daugavpils University as enriching and useful. This visit has opened a pathway for the future cooperation between both Universities.

Tsepo Mokuku


Host professor: PhD Dzintra Iliško,
Project coordinator: Liene Leikuma-Rimicāne

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