Aktualizēts 24.04.2018 11:15

From April 9-14,  2018  within the framework of teacher education network (TEN) Daugavpils University students Linda Pūdāne and  Liāna Merņaka took part  in the transdisciplinary seminar:  “Innovative and sustainable aesthetic methods for citizenship education: Nordic and Baltic perspectives” (ISAMCE). Participants of the seminar were students and teachers from Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia.

The aim of this project was to develop skills and competencies related to citizenship; such as the capacity for communication and dialogue, the capacity to live with others, to recognize and accept differences, sharing narratives, critical thinking, and participation by working in an aesthetical collaborative learning approach.

‘Freedom’ was the subtitle of the project’s part 1 with intensive course successfully organized in Copenhagen, Denmark in April 2017. The second Intensive course called ‘Equality’ took place in April 2018 in Reykjavik, Iceland. The third course is going to be held in Stockholm, Sweden in April 2019, and has the subtitle ‘Brotherhood/sisterhood’.

DU Institute of Social Sciences and Technologies, Prof. Dzintra Iliško

Tel: 29378690

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