International Seminar in Educational Sciences on Educational Research for Sustainability

Aktualizēts 26.08.2019 10:34

As a part of an annual tradition of organizing summer schools, on August 21st, 2019, the team from the Center of Sustainable Education of the Institute of Humanities and Social sciences at the Daugavpils University has organized an International Seminar in Educational Sciences on Educational Research for Sustainability. This year the guest lecturers for this seminar were: Chancellor of Urmia University (Iran) Rahim Hobbenaghi, Associate Professor in Veterinary Medicine and his team: Dr. Javad Gholami, Dr. Alrezaq Hosseinpour and Mehdi Sarkhosh. Their visit was supported by the financing of the Erasmus + program. The other participants of this interdisciplinary seminar were the staff members from the different faculties and departments as well as doctoral students from the Daugavpils University.

Dr. Javad Gholami is the honorary doctor of Daugavpils University and he works in the editorial team of the journals: Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability and Discourse and Communication for Sustainable Education. The guests from Iran represented Urmia University as highly committed to expanding the teaching and research programs to make their university more sustainable in the in West Azerbaijan Province and Iran. During the seminar the team from Urmia discussed the unsustainability issues and ways of dealing with those complex issues in the educational system of their country.

The researcher of the Center of Sustainable Education Dr. Astrida Skrinda offered a detailed presentation on research and academic activities at Daugavpils University. Dr. Dzintra Ilisko (IHSS) gave an overview of the latest developments in the journals of UNESCO Chair on the Interplay of Tradition and Innovation in Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) at Daugavpils University, Latvia: Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability and Discourse and Communication for Sustainable Education. Professor Anita Pipere delivered the lecture “Envisioning complexity: Towards a new conceptualization of educational research for sustainability”: followed by the discussion of the seminar participants.

Dr. Javad Gholami conducted the lecture on the topic “How to get published? An introduction to scholarly publishing” for the pa and doctoral students followed by the discussion of the participants of the seminar.

The guests from Urmia University also had an opportunity to learn about a rich cultural heritage and cuisine of Latgale, to enjoy arts by attending Mark Rothko Art Centre, Daugavpils Theatre, Aglona’s Bread Museum and Zoo. One of the most impressive journeys of Iranian guests were to Likteņdārzs (The Garden of Destiny), the symbol of nation’s continuous growth and development.

 Prof. Dzintra Iliško

Center of Sustainable Education

Daugavpils University, Latvia

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