Aktualizēts 19.07.2018 15:15

From  July 4-6 2018, within the framework of the Erasmus+ project „Methods for ESD – competencies and curricula” (MetESD), No. 2015-1-DE-02-KA202-002346 Daugavpils University’s project participants prof. Dzintra Iliško and Mg. Velga Akmene attended projet’s closing meeting in Wales, UK, n Aberyswith University.

The aim of the meeting was to summarize the progress on implementing sustainability idea in a vocational school. The team discussed progress of designing a handbook on methods and activities for ESD as well as a final report.

During the meeting project’s partners discussed the process of integrating sustainability in the school’s curriculum and practice.

During the meeting the participants attended Aberyswith University and discussed the progress and the challenges of implementing sustainability in the school’s curriculum. During the seminar the participants discussed further plans of networking and cooperation.

The Erasmus+ programme’s project is financed by EU. For more information on the Erasmus+ programme please visit : www.viaa.gov.lv  (section Erasmus+).

More information:
Dzintra Iliško
Daugavpils University
Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences
Centre of Sustainable Education
E-mail: dzintra.ilisko@du.ces.lv

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