Presentation of the Twinning project: GE18ENIOT0219 “Supporting inter-sectoral collaboration possibilities between Research and Industry”, Tbilisi, Georgia

Aktualizēts 03.12.2019 10:14

Supposed junior partner leader of the Twinning project from Daugavpils University,  the Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, associate professor Juris Soms, supposed resident twinning advisor Inese Gavarāne, PhD from the Department of Biotechnology, Daugavpils University (DU), and the supposed co-coordinator of component 4 Professor Dzintra Iliško from Center of Sustainable Education presented the Twinning project: “Supporting inter-sectoral collaboration possibilities between Research and Industry“, GE 18 ENI OT 02 19 in Tbilisi from November 27,  2019 until November 30, 2019. The member states that took part in this project were Austria, Germany, and Latvia. The responsible organizations for the implementation of the project are:  Environment Agency Austria (EEA) (Umweltbundesamt GmbH) in cooperation with Joanneum Research (JR), Austria, Austrian Science Fund (FWF), Austria, Austria Research Promotion Agency (FFG), Austria German Aerospace Center (DLR) Project Management Agency, Germany, and Daugavpils University (DU), Latvia, as well as experts from other public-sector MS organisations. The beneficiary of this project is Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia (SRNSFG), Georgia. The ambassador from Latvia and representatives from  German and Austrian embassies also took place at this high level meeting where all partner countries presented this joint project.

The overall objective of the project is to help the Georgian institutions to strengthen the Georgia’s Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) System that is planned to be achieved by identifying and addressing the main priorities and challenges the system is confronted with and the best ways to approach these challenges with the aim of ensuring an interdisciplinary approach, collaborative research and promoting evidence-based policy implementation in line with the EU-Georgia Association Agreement (AA). The project partners will work in intense cooperation with the Georgian institutions to enable policy learning to the maximum extent and help build up institutional capacities for the conceptualisation and implementation of such policy initiatives and programmes. For this overall objective, Austria, Germany and Latvia, in cooperation with experts from other EU Member States, propose expertise covering the scope of the Twinning project fiche, and a wide range of European experience, suitably adapted to the actual needs of the Georgian administration and taking into account the engagements under the EU-Georgia Association Agenda 2017-20201, the EU-Georgia Association Agreement (AA), including a Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA), which intended to strive for economic  and scientific integration and cooperation.


For more information:

Dzintra Iliško, Inese Gavarāne & Juris Soms;;

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