Latvian Christian Student Fellowship

What is LKSB?

10983-12171-nFirst of all, LKSB are students who want to:
• learn more about Christian faith or grow in it,
• spend their time purposefully and have fun,
• meet new people and make friends,
• or just check out what is happening here.

Everyone is welcome to join any of LKSB activities, planned and organized mostly by Christian students representing different Christian denominations.
LKSB organizes student camps and conferences, Bible study and other kinds of small groups in universities and dormitories and also bigger local events like lectures, seminars or concerts. LKSB student groups often cooperate with local churches and also take part in different youth projects and activities in their cities.

LKSB or Latvijas Kristiga studentu braliba (Latvian Christian Student Fellowship, often called IFES Latvia) is a non-profit youth organization, registered in Latvia in 1993. Organization is lead by its National Board, and organized by 5-7 staff workers and many volunteers.
At the moment, there are seven cities where LKSB is represented: Riga, Jelgava, Liepaja, Ventspils, Daugavpils, Rezekne and Valmiera.

Information about LKSB activities you can find in website /daugavpils

LKSB Daugavpils Team Leader Jeļena Vasiļonoka
Mob. tel.: 2 996 2490

LKSB website:

Events callendar

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