Visit of Daugavpils University staff members to IRAN, Urmia University

Aktualizēts 06.02.2019 15:00

From January 24 until January 30 the team from Daugavpils University (Prof., UNESCO chair holder Ilga Salīte, prof. Antonijs Salītis from the faculty of Nature Studies and Mathematics, prof. Dzintra Iliško from the institute of Humanities and Societal Sciences, Center of Sustainable Education, and the lecturer Elga Drelinga from the Faculty of Education and Management) has visited IRAN, Urmia University within the framework of ERASMUS mobility program.

At the first days of our visit the team had an official meeting with Rahim Hobbenaghi, the Chancellor of Urmia University and with the administration of Urmia University. During this meeting Professor Ilga Salīte has awarded Dr Javad Gholami with the Diploma of Doctor of Honour awarded by Daugavpils University. At this very meeting the University of Urmia has signed a cooperation agreement with Daugavpils University that will open the way to further cooperation among both Universities for both student and staff cooperation in the field of science and education. We discussed about Urmia University as an important new partner of the Baltic and Black sea Circe Consortium (BBCC) that is an international network that unites researchers and practitioners in the fields of teacher education and education for sustainable development (ESD). Since its creation in 2005, the consortium has become a platform for experience exchange among researchers and experts in ESD from more than 20 countries around the world.  The administration of Urmia University has showed the interest to join this network and to participate actively at the UNESCO initiatives and projects. The Iranian staff members have expressed their interest to participate at the annual international scientific conferences of the UNESCO chair on “Sustainable Development. Culture. Education.” The staff members from the Faculty of Humanities of Urmia University has expressed their good will to continue a cooperation in the editorial board of both journals: Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability and Discourse and Communication for Sustainable Education(The Journals of UNESCO Chair on the Interplay of Tradition and Innovation in Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) at Daugavpils University, Latvia).

The team from Daugavpils University had several workshops with the staff members from Science department where they have delivered a lecture about the research carried out in science department. The team members have shared their experience of teaching physics and math in higher education. The other workshop took place at the faculty of Humanities where the team members from Daugavpils University have met staff members from the faculty of Humanities. They discussed further cooperation opportunities about Daugavpils University’s UNESCO chair’s Journals and writing joint research proposals related to sustainability and transdisciplinary research.

Urmia University is a higher education institution of scientific innovations and professionally tailored educational services and is an outstanding higher education institute with a good ranking that is committed to expanding teaching, research, and entrepreneurship programs to make the university a cradle of sustainable development in the West Azerbaijan Province and Iran. As one of the top 15 universities in Iran, its strengths include its commitment to excellence and the promotion of the highest standards.

During all days of our stay we had an opportunity to learn more about the local culture and traditions. Having shared borders with three countries, namely Turkey, Iraq and Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, Urmia is a city where diverse sub-cultures, ethnicities and religions that have co-existed in peace and harmony and have cross-fertilized one another for hundreds of years resulting in a highly tolerant culture. Iran has a great art heritage that visible in architecture, paintings, and poetry. This heritage was translated to several languages and influenced many cultures.

Contemporary literature was influenced by classical Persian poetry although it reflects the particularities of modern-day Iran. Iran has a long history of fine silk and wool rug weaving, that is why Persian rugs are internationally known as the most beautiful across the world. Iran produces more rugs and carpets than all other countries put together.

We visited the Museum of Nature at Urmia University that allowed us to learn more about fauna of Iran and to establish closer cooperation with the team of Nature researchers.

At the very end of the stay we had an interview at the national Iranian TV where we explained about the aims of ERASMUS project, the profile and research carried out at Daugavpils University as well about our future plans for cooperation.

We also had an opportunity to visit a defence of Master theses at Urmia University on Persian literature. The team from Latvia visited University’s library and could enjoy exploring sources of Persian literature and other sciences.

We left IRAN with an image of a very welcoming country with rich traditions and great people. We have strengthened our cooperation among both Universities in the field of acidic research. More Iranian professors and researchers will be engaged in the editorial boards of both Journals of Daugavpils University’s UNESCO chair as well Urmia University has joined our BBCC network (Baltic and Black Sea Consortium in Educational Research).

Dzintra Iliško,
Prof. of the Institute of Humanities and Societal Sciences, Canter of Sustainable Education at Daugavpils University
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