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  • „Enerģija virtuālā spogulī”

    Aktualizēts 19.10.2012 17:50

    ENERĢIJA un spēks nemitīgi maina pasauli. Enerģijai ir daudzas formas, bet vienīgi gaismas enerģija ir redzama.

    7. Daugavpils Zinātnes festivāla ietvaros DU Bibliotēka piedāvā iespēju iepazīties ar daudzveidīgiem e – resursiem, kur daudzpusīgi ir atspoguļota unikāla parādība.

    http://www.our-energy.com/ viss par enerģijas resursiem
    http://www.ecology.com/2011/09/06/fossil-fuels-vs-renewable-energy-resources/ Ecology Global Network
    http://www.scientificamerican.com/ecology Scientific American Magazine
    http://www.energybulletin.net/node/47833 Energy Bulletin
    http://livinggreenmag.com/category/energy-ecology/ LivingGreen Magazine
    http://www.withouthotair.com/ “free book” Sustainable Energy
    http://www.intechopen.com/books/solar-energy free Access to scientific research (books and journals)
    http://www.e-booksdirectory.com/listing.php?category=251 free e-books about Renewable Energy
    http://www.energyquest.ca.gov/library/kids_picks.html Energy Library – Books for (and recommended by) Students
    http://ilearntechnology.com/?p=3803 digital books about Energy
    http://bookboon.com/en/textbooks/energy-environment Energy & Environment books. Free for download
    http://srmi.biz/contents/ckfinder/files/pdf/RE5_LOOKININSIDE.pdf book “Residential Energy” by John Krigger and Chris Dorsi. Full text
    http://j.mp/E4_Journals_and_Databases Links to Journals and Databases in Energy and Environmental Policy
    http://www.economicsnetwork.ac.uk/books/EnergyEconomics.htm Books on Energy Economics. Catalogue
    https://www.energystar.gov/index.cfm?fuseaction=publications.showPublications&view=all&st=Type&pub_type_code=COB ENERGY STAR Publications. ENERGY STAR is a joint program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy helping us all save money and protect the environment through energy efficient products and practices
    http://www.emotionalfreedoms.com/documents/THE_SCIENTIFIC_BASIS_OF_ENERGY_HEALING.pdf article “THE SCIENTIFIC BASIS OF ENERGY HEALING” by Carol L. Bowman, MD
    http://www.theecologycenter.org/resources/energy/ article “Energy, Ecology and Economics” by Howard Todum
    http://www.seai.ie/Schools/Primary_Schools/Resources_Available/Books/ free books about Energy to Primary schools in the Republic of Ireland
    http://www.huffingtonpost.com/vaishali/awareness_b_1400157.html Huffpost Healthy Living: The Internet Newspaper. Article “Beyond the Human Eye: Everything is Energy”
    http://www.humantouchofchemistry.com/importance-of-energy-conservation.htm The Human Touch of Chemistry (about Energy Conservation)
    http://solarenergyworks.net/uses-of-solar-energy/ Solar energy: uses, benefits and future
    http://www.bt1.lv/bt1/ee/?link=10000000 Environment and Energy
    http://www.energyscience.org.au/index.html Energyscience
    http://www.need.org/needpdf/Science%20of%20Energy.pdf Science of Energy. Hands-on experiments that upper elementary and intermediate students use to teach themselves and others about forms of energy and energy transformations
    http://www.eui.eu/DepartmentsAndCentres/RobertSchumanCentre/Research/ArchivesEnergy/EnergyLawPolicyWorkshop/Index.aspx Project “EU Energy Law and Regulation Workshop”
    http://www.energy.eu/publications/ Europe’s Energy Portal
    http://ec.europa.eu/research/energy/index_en.cfm European Commission. Research & Innovation
    http://energy.gov/oe/smart-grid-primer-smart-grid-books Office of Electricity Delivery & Energy Reliability
    http://web.mit.edu/nse/lester/books/unlocking_energy_innovation.html Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering
    http://www.unr.edu/geothermal/ Great Basin Center of Geothermal Energy
    http://www.ecw.org/university/ The Energy Center of Wisconsin
    http://ase.org/efficiencynews/energy-university-free-online-classes-energy-efficiency Energy University: Free Online Classes on Energy Efficiency
    http://www.uio.no/english/research/interfaculty-research-areas/milen/ University of Oslo. MILENĀ is the University of Oslo’s interfaculty research area on environmental change and sustainable energy
    http://www.schools-at-university.eu/ Schools at University for Climate and Energy
    http://energy.utexas.edu/ The University of Texas of Austin. Energy Institute
    http://www.nei.org/keyissues/protectingtheenvironment/ecology/ Nuclear Energy Institute
    http://www2.schneider-electric.com/sites/vietnam/en/products-services/training/energy-university/energy-university.page Energy University
    http://www.upes.ac.in/ University of Petroleum & Energy Studies
    http://www.ucei.berkeley.edu/ University of California Energy Institute UCEI
    http://www.energy.wsu.edu/ Washington State University. Extension Energy Program
    http://www.umerc.umd.edu/ University of Maryland Energy Research Center
    http://www.energy.unimelb.edu.au/ Melbourne Energy Institute
    http://www.energy.salford.ac.uk/ University Salford Manchester. Energy Salford
    http://www.purdue.edu/discoverypark/energy/ Purdue University. Energy Center
    http://energy.umich.edu/ University of Michigan. Energy Institute
    http://www.emuziejus.lt/ The Energy and Technology Museum of Lithuania
    http://www.ecsite.eu/members/directory/energimuseet-danish-museum-energy Energimuseet – Danish Museum of Energy
    http://www.amse.org/ American Museum of Science and Energy
    http://texasenergymuseum.org/ Texas Energy Museum

    Papildus informācija:
    Marija Sivašova
    DU Bibliotēka
    Bibliogrāfijas un informācijas sektors
    Saules 1/3 – B203
    e-pasts: marija.sivasova@du.ces.lv

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