Gale/Cengage Learning datubāzes resursu bezmaksas izmēģinājums:
Datums: 04 Feb - 08 Mar
Laiks: Visu dienu
Gale/Cengage Learning piedāvā inovatīvus studiju un pētniecības risinājumus un pakalpojumus, daudznozaru elektroniskos resursus akadēmiskajām un profesionālajām institūcijām, kā arī bibliotēkām visā pasaulē. Uzņēmuma produkti un pakalpojumi ir vērsti uz akadēmiskās un profesionālās izglītības attīstību un studiju kvalitātes paaugstināšanu.
DU lietotājiem ir pieejamas šādas kolekcijas:
Academic OneFile
Academic OneFile is the premier source of peer-reviewed full-text scholarly content across the academic disciplines. With millions of articles available in both PDF and HTML full-text, Academic OneFile is both authoritative and comprehensive.
General OneFile
General OneFile is a one-stop source for news, magazine, and periodical articles across a wide range of general interest topics and academic disciplines. With millions of articles available in both PDF and HTML full-text, General OneFile serves a wide audience of readers.
Gale Virtual Reference Library
Gale Virtual Reference Library is a database of encyclopedias and specialized reference sources for multidisciplinary research. These reference materials once were accessible only in the library, but now you can access them online from the library or remotely 24/7. Because each library creates its own eBook collection, the content you see may vary if you use the database at different libraries (your school, your public library, or your office).
Datubāzes pieeja:
Papildus informācija:
Marija Sivašova
DU Bibliotēka
Bibliogrāfijas un informācijas sektors
Vienības iela 13, 119. aud.