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  • Call for Papers for the 15th International Scientific Conference Music Science Today: the permanent and the changeable

    Datums: 19 Jan - 19 Mar

    Laiks: 00:00

    Conference dates: 06.05.2021 – 07.05.2021

    Faculty of Music and Arts of Daugavpils University (Latvia) in co-operation with Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre and Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas (Lithuania) and Institute of Music of University of Silesia in Katowice (Poland) and Belarusian State Academy of Music (Belarus) organize the 15th International Scientific Conference Music Science Today: the permanent and the changeable.

    The range of themes of the conference is rather great firstly due to the common thematic line, since the permanent and the changeable issues in music are everlasting and comprehensive ones. The situation of postmodern culture, the spread of new style trends and new types of music have even more escalated the topicality of the above-mentioned issues. Secondly, apart from the tandem of history and theory, the dominant of the conference is also the other pair – the close co-existence and interaction of the research and the pedagogic-methodological aspects. Third, the total value of the conference is built also by the fact that serious presentations will be made by both Latvian scientists and foreign scholars. The content of the conference thus becomes richer with every participant, and the encouraging ideas voiced and proposed at the conference will make the basis for further research and the analysis of the cultural situation.

    The aim of the conference is to promote the development of scientific communication on the international scale, to enrich the Latvian music science with new findings, to stimulate scientists to research the questions related to academic, traditional and popular music history and theory, as well as the 20th century music analysis in an integrated way.

    Thematic guidelines:

    • The link between music history and theory in scientific research
    • Music history, stylistics and performance
    • The analysis of the 20th century music
    • Music in Latvia and the neighbouring countries
    • Traditional, jazz and popular music

    Organizing Committee:

    • Ēvalds Daugulis, Daugavpils University, Latvia, Head of Conference
    • Leonidas Melnikas, Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre, Lithuania
    • Romualdas Apanavičius, Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania
    • Hubert Miška, Institute of Music of University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland
    • Malgorzata Kaniowska, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland
    • Nelli Matsaberidze, Belarusian State Academy of Music, Belarus
    • Edgars Znutiņš, Daugavpils University, Latvia
    • Gļebs Beļajevs, Daugavpils University, Latvia
    • Olga Ušakova, Daugavpils University

    Working languages: English, Latvian, Russian


    Deadline for registration: March 19, 2021.
    Application form (DOC, 41 kb), http://du.ces.lv

    Deadline for the submission of abstracts (300 words) electronically: March 19, 2021.

    Deadline for the submission of complete manuscripts for the proceedings: July 30, 2021.

    Participation fee: 50 EUR.

    The aim: Conference “Music Science Today: the permanent and the changeable”

    PVN reģ. Nr.: LV90000065985
    Adrese: Vienības ielā 13, Daugavpils, LV – 5400
    Konta Nr.: LV15TREL9150210000000
    Banka: Valsts Kase
    Kods: TRELLV22


    Park Hotel Latgola http://www.booking.com/hotel/lv/park-latgola.en.html

    Hotel Rebir https://www.booking.com/hotel/lv/rebir.lv.html

    Hotel Leo https://www.booking.com/hotel/lv/leo.lv.html

    Daugavpils University Students’ hostels http://www.du.ces.lv

    Due to the prevalence of COVID-19 and the current epidemiological situation, DU Faculty of Music and Arts 15th International Scientific Conference Music Science Today: the permanent and the changeable probably will take place remotely – on the ZOOM platform.

    In case of inquiries do not hesitate to contact:
    Faculty of Music and Arts

    Daugavpils University
    Vienības Street 13-416, Daugavpils,

    Latvia, LV5401
    Phone: +371 20216628, +371 65440819
    Fax: +371 65422890
    e-mail: evalds.daugulis@du.ces.lv

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