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  • Students

    Aktualizēts 08.09.2020 04:51

    Elena Schommer (Trier University, Germany)

    Because of their size bryophytes are often overlooked and deemed to be hard to identify. I wish to get to know more about them, their ecological functions and their use for bioindication.


    José Ángel Morales Sánchez (Estonian University Of Life Sciences, Estonia)

    This summer school will help me to increase my knowledge on the bryophyte identification process and their function in ecosystems, I believe it is a great opportunity to meet new people on the same field, as well as to increase contacts and to gain collaboration opportunities



    Lenka Trojanovičová (Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia)

    I decided to participate in summer school because i believe that gaining education not only in field of my own studies is important for my professional and personal development.




    Marija Bučar (University of Zagreb, Croatia)

    Bryology Summer School is the perfect opportunity for me to broaden my general knowledge of Bryophyta, as well as to learn how to differentiate bryophyte species. The fact that I get to meet like-minded people from around the world makes this experience much more exciting.





    Pavel Širka (Technical University in Zvolen, Slovakia)

    I chose to participate in this summer school to improve my bryophyte identification skills and to work in an international environment.






    Iciar Gutierrez Verdejo (Madrid’s Autonomus University, Spain)

    I consider that Bryophytes Summer School is an excellent opportunity to learn more about this interesting group of plants in practice together with students from other nationalities.




    Radosław Lewoń (Poznań University of Life Sciences, Poland)

    I am from Suwałki Region (which is called the “Polish Cold Pole”), where nature is considered specific. Bryology Summer School is a fantastic opportunity to gain valuable knowledge that I will be able to use in practice.



    Sarah Brach (Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg, Germany)

    I decided to participate the course because I finally want to learn more about this exciting group of plants, which you can find everywhere if you just look closely. The more parts of the ecosystem you understand, the better you will understand the big picture in the end.





    Nellie Henriette Nilsen (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway)

    I’m doing my master’s thesis on bryophytes in Norway and this course grants me access to additional training in identification as well as information about the historical use of Bryophytes in a different region than I receive most my education in.



    Manuel Tiburtini (University of Pisa, Italy)

    I have decided to take part to this course to give a solid basement to my bryological knowledge that is mainly based on my efforts as self-taught. Thus, I saw in this summer school the opportunity to know more about this sometimes neglected group of organisms and hopefully to share with other people what I will learn about these plants with somehow primitive look but astonishing set of adaptations.

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